Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WOW, I kinda forgot I signed up to this...lets start all over again.

Well, here it is, a year since my last post, what a year 2009 was. Michael Jackson and Billy Mays died. The Minus Scale called it quits( I almost shed a tear), and I had knee surgery, and moved back home with the "rents." So lets focus on the positives of the year.

Music. Cd's are a dead format(that's positive right?), vinyl is back, and thanks to Jeff my awesome neighbor and the awesome records/record player he gave me a while back I've been almost exclusively buying vinyl, both new and used. I don't download a lot of music from Itunes. I like having the physical copy of a record or cd. Most vinyl these days comes with a download card that will give you a website and code where you can go and download the record you bought, an absolutely awesome thing. Fairmont released a 6 song LP (The Meadow at Dusk) that is also available at Itunes.(go download it now!)

So from now on, hopefully more often then once a year I will be updating this blog, again, mostly music related. I'll finish with my favorite music moments and records of 2009, and hopefully a preview of 2010.

I only got to a couple shows that were non-Fairmont related, My favorite being Built to Spill in October at the Trocadero in Philly. This band will never, NEVER, let me down. I love them and they played an almost perfect set, and I loved them trash talking the Brooklyn crowd that they played for the previous 3 nights. Brett Netson was kind enough to give me a set list after the show and I think I had a smile on my face for a week after that show.

Another show I went to was The Jesus Lizard at Irving Plaza in NYC. My co-worker's friend bailed on him last minute and asked me if I wanted to go, I'd heard of them but never really listened to them, but all I knew about them was that they were Steve Albini's favorite band to record so I just assumed they were good, and they were. For being 50ish years old, this band was as hard and abrasive as I could have imagined. Not halfway into the first song David Yow was crowd surfing like it was 15 years ago, an amazing site to see. I am now a proud owner of a few of their reissued LP's, I am now a fan.

I think those are the only non-Fairmont related shows I went to in 2009 with 2010 already looking better. Saw Jim Gaffigan(I know thats not music but hey), have Nada Surf tickets and am planning on getting to as many shows as possible this year. Some awesome tours are coming around this spring!

I'll leave it with my favorites of 2009, whether they are actually from 2009 or not. These are in no particular order.

We Were Promised Jetpacks - These Four Walls- I was late on this band, I just bought this LP a few weeks ago and didn't stop listening to it for a few days, I still listen to it at least once a week. Favorite tracks- It's Thunder and It's Lightnin, Roll up your Sleeves, This is my House This is my H.

The Flaming Lips- Embryonic- This brings back the Flaming Lips of old. Kinda noisy, a million layers, but an underlying groove that keeps you listening. Favorite tracks- Convinced of the Hex, Watching the Planets, I Can be a Frog.

Pants Yell!- Received Pronunciation- Lead singer Andrew Churchman grew up around the block from me and we used to play in a few bands together He moved to to Boston and started Pants Yell! He writes simple indie-pop songs that get stuck in your head. Favorite Tracks- Frank and Sandy, Someone Loves You, Marble Staircase.

Band of Skulls- Baby Darling Doll Face Honey- BoS is british rock band, kinda bluesy kinda like The Soundtrack of our Lives meets White Stripes, this is a really solid debut record from a pretty kick-ass band. Favorite Tracks- Death by Diamonds and Pearls, I know What I am, Cold Fame.

Metric- Fantasies- Great Canadian female fronted indie band, kinda indie/synth pop-rock undertones with an amazing female vocals. Favorite tracks- Help I'm Alive, Gimme Sympathy, Gold Guns Girls.

Califone- All my Friends are Funeral Singers- Acoustic type band with banjo, good music to chill out too. Favorite Tracks- Funeral Singers, Better Angels, Evidence.

Bill Callahan- Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle- Also known as Smog, Bill Callahan is one of those artists whose records are always good. Callahan has one of a kind vocals and on this record he shows it off quite well. The music is a little droney/countryish/orchestral . Favorite Tracks- The Wind and the Dove, My Friend, Faith/Void.

Built to Spill- There is No Enemy- Nothing to much to say, another great album by a band who is/and will probably always be in my top 3 favorite bands. Favorite Tracks- Things Fall Apart, Hindsight, Tomorrow.

The Dodos- Time to Die- Originally a 2 piece band, guitar/drums for this record they added a marimba player. The drummer plays without a bass drum, and it really creates a cool and somewhat different feel. Favorite Tracks- Fables, Small Deaths, Acorn Factory.

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- S/T- Good indie-pop again. I'd say its like a mix between Belle and Sebastian and My Bloody Valentine. Kinda fuzzy production with really good melodies. Favorite Tracks- Contender, Young Adult Fiction, Come Saturday.

I don't want to forget one other musician that died this year and had probably what I would call the best record of the year. His name was Vic Chesnutt, I'll admit I just bought his records a few weeks before he died, I was just beginning to dive into his repertoire but I wish I had found him sooner. His most recent LP At the Cut, is well, amazing. The story of his life and career is amazing and sad. Please read his story here:
I'm sorry for leaving it on a somewhat sad and depressing note, but I feel like like an artist like this has to be heard.

Well, that's it for now.

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